Accounting Services

Supporting you - Our services

Year-end accounts

This is a legal requirement for limited companies and often needed for loans and mortgages.

Company tax return CT600

A tax return is a legal requirement if the company is trading. For tax purposes, there are various rules about what expenses are allowed and disallowed in your business. We are here to assist and review any additional possible tax reliefs, such as creative tax credits for film, television, computer games, and theatre.

Sole traders and the self-employed

All your income needs to be declared to HMRC in an annual personal tax return; we can help you put together basic accounts and calculate the tax and take care of the returns and filing with HMRC. We will review your return and troubleshoot any issues so there won’t be any issues with HMRC enquires.

Supporting you - Our services

VAT returns

Once your turnover passes the threshold (currently £85,000 UK Turnover), you must register for VAT no matter if you have a limited company or a sole trader business. There are different VAT schemes available and various VAT rates; we can get you sorted on the appropriate scheme and take care of the returns for you.


We are Xero Partners and Xero certified so unsurprisingly, we like to use Xero for bookkeeping. We can do as much or as little as needed, including credit control and making payments. We can also deal with the majority of other cloud-based software, including Quickbooks, Freeagent, 1 Tap, and Dext.

Payroll and pension

You can outsource this function to us. We can set up and run the payroll, manage the pension contributions and tax calculations, and sort out payslips, P60s, and P45s.